Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: 'DISSY' means feeling detached from yourself
Author: Fraser Trevor
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'DISSY' means feeling detached from yourself, observing yourself and your feelings and thoughts as if they belong to someone else y...
'DISSY' means feeling detached from yourself, observing yourself and your feelings and thoughts as if they belong to someone else you are watching in a movie. Some of the typical symptoms are:
out-of-body experiences
loss of feeling in parts of your body
distorted views of your body
unable to recognise your image in a mirror
a sense of detachment from your emotions
feeling like you are watching a movie of yourself
feeling like you are unreal

'DISSY' means seeing other people and the environment around you as dream-like and unreal. Objects may change in shape, size or colour. Typical symptoms are:
feeling like a normal environment is unfamiliar
a sense that what is happening is unreal
feeling detached from the world
a perception of objects changing shape, colour, size
feeling that people you know are strangers

Episodes of DISSY may last just a few moments and come and go over many years, or may be ongoing.

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