Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: For us in recovery the worst form of isolation and the deepest source of loneliness comes from being cut off from our own child within.
Author: Fraser Trevor
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For us in recovery the worst form of isolation and the deepest source of loneliness comes from being cut off from our own child within. ...
For us in recovery the worst form of isolation and the deepest source of loneliness comes from being cut off from our own child within. This occurs when we fail to make contact with our child—because it is buried under traumas that require too much painful effort to excavate. Instead of living with our authenticity shining through, we wear a mask as we interact in the world—even with our closest companions. We are there—but not present. We are dissociated due to trauma.
Yet in solitude, unlike isolation, we are never lonely, for we realise that we are not really alone: we are with our true selves. We are fully connected. This comforts our fears and quiets our loneliness.
Even as we approach the mystery of death and the unknown, we need not fear that we will be alone or abandoned, for we know we will be there taking the next leap into this final chapter of life with our best companion—ourselves and our inner connection with truth.

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