The potentially harmful effects of loneliness and social isolation on health and longevity, especially among older adults, are well established. For example, in 2013 I reported on research finding th…
- "self knowledge" simply becomes another religion.
- #childwithin#10stages
- 'DISSY' means feeling detached from yourself
- 'Hangover-free' alcohol
- Addiction replacement is nothing but a substitute
- All addiction
- Anger is not an enemy at the stages.
- Anxiously seeking approval is an attempt at trying to gain and keep a further sense of control where their is none.
- As we begin to love and respect ourselves we stop craving for a different life style
- As we grow in The Stages
- As we study the stages
- At The Stages we begin to realise as our child within awakes that disapproval has been used as a weapon against us in childhood and beyond.
- Attempting the stages requires major sacrifice
- BOOM – nice child within is GONE and triggered child within shows up.
- Bamboo Garden Workshops
- Burning and releasing at the stages workshops
- But when I got sober the wilderness was still there.
- Chances are we are not healthy enough to avoid somehow depriving the child within of its emotional needs
- Child Within Ten Stages of Mourning
- Choice is actually more powerful than recovery programs because we get to CHOOSE to RECOVER.
- Connection with an another person is impossible if we aren't connected with ourselves.
- Diabetes 101: It is not a death sentence
- Dissociation: Maggot in the Brain - Admission of Trauma
- Don't be a follower
- Ego always seeks death. Recovery always seeks life.
- For each cookie she took
- For us in recovery the worst form of isolation and the deepest source of loneliness comes from being cut off from our own child within.
- Growth is when we realise the expansive urge for truth at our core. This is our deepest and most natural tendency—to grow beyond ourselves.
- Healing our unresolved childhood will accomplish separate studies
- Herbal remedy for stroke recovery?
- Hit our Brain’s Pause Button
- I lost the two dollars
- I want it.
- If we start care at all about ourselves
- In order to recover from alcoholism it is crucial to understand the process of alcohol addiction.
- It is our child hidden within
- It's never too late to try something new!
- It's not uncommon for emotional disconnection/disassociation to be overlaid by a false equanimity
- LESSON 2: like all bad decisions we make
- Lesson One: We have found it is fundamentally impossible to pressure another person into being more authentic
- Loss of the Right to Life
- Many of us are spiritually anorexic.
- Modern Society and point the bone curse used to curse addicts
- Most of us arrive at a sense of self and vocation only after a long journey through alien lands. But this journey bears no resemblance to the trouble-free "travel packages"
- Moving forward is disturbing
- One way to look at the stages process: taking care of ourselves better than our parents took care of us.
- Opioid Crisis Forces Physicians To Focus On Alternative Pain Treatments
- Our historical parents may not have known how to care for their child within
- Our minds as adult survivors of trauma are similar to a laptop that's been dropped on the floor. | The Ten Stages
- Recognising our own interior voice blaming and shaming
- Recovery is only found by looking within
- Redding Rolfing expert offers alternative way to treat chronic pain
- Self-doubt is part of the ten stages healing process.
- Self-knowledge is not a competition. For those to whom it is a competition
- Smoking may be hardwired into addicts’ brains
- Sometimes we simply need permission to be ourselves.
- Spiritual kindergarten begins with the admission that we are in trouble.
- Stages Workshop deep meditation on making contact.
- Stages invites us to make a decision.
- Students at the Stages who pay a fee make a sacrifice – and thus buy a course.
- Ten Stage Recovery is an action
- Ten Stage Workshops If you know how to go back to your child within and listen carefully every day for five or ten minutes
- Ten Stages of Mourning for Our Childhood
- That's the stages path - vulnerability and courage.
- The Stages Meditation of deep silence
- The Stages Safe Rooms recovery Growth is humbling. Growth requires vulnerability
- The Ten Stages and begins to address the hidden part of relapse phase of an addiction.
- The Ten Stages are difficult to grasp at first.
- The Ten Stages is a natural process
- The Truth of ourselves
- The brain of adult survivors of abuse is like a laptop that's been dropped on the floor.
- The child within and the parental voice: What is a Shame Curse?
- The child within asks for care and love
- The child within is a new species.
- The child within is in each cell of our body.
- The child within is the fun
- The critical ingredient in recovery is getting off your butt and doing something.
- The cry we hear from deep in our hearts
- The difference between thinking you are drowning in a stormy sea and knowing you cannot drown because there isn't any water in sight for miles around
- The first act of honouring the self is the assertion of consciousness.
- The hidden agendas of others that play out in our lives. These traumas play out on individual levels
- The mind is above time and space. If you decide to recover
- The primary function of the ten stages is to recognise and not to fight.
- The quality of our life is directly related to the amount of uncomfortable conversations we are willing to have with our child within.
- The surprising effects of loneliness on health
- There is no normal life that is free of pain.
- These Mindfulness tools are suggestions for enhancing our meditational experience.
- Through meditation we have to first discover that we are no one
- To understand dissociation is to understand the confidence tricks of a soporific society
- Vulnerability with others is an earned process that springs out of our relationship with ourselves
- WE become awakened to the fact
- We are in a constant battle with our own mind
- We are not searching for the perfect partner. We're searching for the perfect babysitter.
- We can become emotionally traumatised in early childhood
- We do not attempt to narcissistically gratify anyone else unless we are in denial of our own comparable wounds.
- We do not erode our self-esteem over big issues but over small ones
- We have to relearn the language of our childhood
- We learn to recognise our child within
- We must embark on our own healing process where we are our own best ally
- We need to return and take care of ourself.
- We strongly support experimentation.
- When in doubt and in a conflict
- When the child within was banished from our consciousness we started constantly seeking approval
- When we become aware that we’ve forgotten the wounded child within ourselves
- Without a consistent methodology of the stages for determining truth from falsehood
- Zombies are a metaphor for the experience of dread a child
- and anyone who tells you otherwise is not moving forward.
- and exploitation of the earth.
- and honest with us.
- and on the global levels of war
- and our spirit. We are created perfect
- and there is an emotional logic to it.
- and to deprive the child within of any of its emotional needs is to traumatize our child.
- become a student at the Stages.
- but we do the opposite.
- child within will prevail
- connected
- cultural levels
- economics
- envy and self-doubt will be constant companions.
- even our reenactments/dissociation offer us a chance to learn.
- healing will take place.
- is about the same thing
- it will immediately compensate you with intuition.
- judging and creating stories of victimisation and pointing outwards
- not anymore
- not looking without.
- nothing special
- our fundamental genetic beauty
- side with your wounded child within
- so they transmitted their child to us.
- stages
- suffering child within us.
- that there is a young
- the child is our being
- the child is our healthy decoration
- the child is our make-up
- the function of loving-kindness is to soothe and relieve our difficult emotions.
- the man took one too.
- trust and safety.
- we leave behind those invested in sleep.
- we leave others behind.
- we will FEEL as if we are actually taking care of ourselves.
- we'll get some results.
- whether it's a substance addiction or a behavioural addiction
'Hangover-free' alcohol
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
BBC World Service - Newsday, 'Hangover-free' alcohol: "A scientist has developed a new type of alcohol which he says won't damage the liver or leave you with a hangover. Professor David Nutt, a forme…
Herbal remedy for stroke recovery? - BBC News
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Herbal remedy for stroke recovery? - BBC News: 'via Blog this'…
Opioid Crisis Forces Physicians To Focus On Alternative Pain Treatments | 90.1 FM WABE
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Opioid Crisis Forces Physicians To Focus On Alternative Pain Treatments | 90.1 FM WABE: "“All of my patients have chronic pain, some have muscular skeleton pain, some have nerve pain,” says the direc…
Redding Rolfing expert offers alternative way to treat chronic pain
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Redding Rolfing expert offers alternative way to treat chronic pain: " Rolfing, a bodywork technique that concentrates on proper body alignment and soft tissue massage to help reduce chronic pain. As…
Smoking may be hardwired into addicts’ brains | New York Post
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Smoking may be hardwired into addicts’ brains | New York Post: 'via Blog this' :Text may be subject to copyright.This blog does not claim copyright to any such text. Copyright remains with the origi…
Diabetes 101: It is not a death sentence!
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Diabetes 101: It is not a death sentence!: 'via Blog this'…
These Mindfulness tools are suggestions for enhancing our meditational experience.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
These Mindfulness tools are suggestions for enhancing our meditational experience. They have worked for us and for many people we have witnessed, and they follow the pattern of self-love, self-respec…
Dissociation: Maggot in the Brain - Admission of Trauma
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Dissociation: Maggot in the Brain - Admission of Trauma Dissociations have the power to create and the power to destroy. We have the awesome ability to take any experience of our lives and create a m…
Our minds as adult survivors of trauma are similar to a laptop that's been dropped on the floor. | The Ten Stages
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Our minds as adult survivors of trauma are similar to a laptop that's been dropped on the floor. | The Ten Stages: Our minds as adult survivors of trauma are similar to a laptop that's been dropped o…
Making The Ten Stages a taught course allowed for one of the most powerful human qualities that of choice.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Making The Ten Stages a taught course allowed for one of the most powerful human qualities that of choice. Choice is actually more powerful than recovery programs because we get to CHOOSE to RECOVER.…
Most of us arrive at a sense of self and vocation only after a long journey through alien lands. But this journey bears no resemblance to the trouble-free "travel packages"
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Most of us arrive at a sense of self and vocation only after a long journey through alien lands. But this journey bears no resemblance to the trouble-free "travel packages" sold by the tourism indust…
It is our child hidden within, our fundamental genetic beauty, and our spirit. We are created perfect.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Truth is in our genes. It is the essence of our being. It is the best part of us, the core of what makes us human. It is our child hidden within, our fundamental genetic beauty, and our spirit. We ar…
Healing our unresolved childhood will accomplish separate studies
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Healing our unresolved childhood will be accomplished in separate studies: First, it would make us far better and less abusive , because when we heal our traumas we don’t pass them on , and second, b…
Ten Stage Recovery is an action, a choice. Recovery is not really an emotion. | The Chopping Block Social Recovery Review
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Ten Stage Recovery is an action, a choice. Recovery is not really an emotion. | The Chopping Block Social Recovery Review…
Modern Society and point the bone curse used to curse addicts
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Australian aboriginals "point the bone" and chant a curse. The whole tribe removes the right to life. "Bone pointing" is a method of execution used by the Aborigines. It is said to leave no trace, …
Loss of the Right to Life
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Loss of the Right to Life: The shaming curse of the ancestral voice begins to create the core belief that one does not have the right to live. A child so betrayed by his or her parents begins to lo…
The child within and the parental voice: What is a Shame Curse?
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
The child within and the parental voice:What is a Shame Curse? Definition of a Shame Curse.A shame curse is strong messages of rejection and negation by a significant group - one's family or peers. T…
In order to recover from alcoholism it is crucial to understand the process of alcohol addiction.Alcoholism is a brain disorder.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
In order to recover from alcoholism it is crucial to understand the process of alcohol addiction. For successful sobriety, you need to know what you're dealing with and how to address it effectively.…
Ten Stage Workshops If you know how to go back to your child within and listen carefully every day for five or ten minutes, healing will take place.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Ten Stage Workshops If you know how to go back to your child within and listen carefully every day for five or ten minutes, healing will take place. When we climb a beautiful mountain, invite our chi…
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